
200 years ago, we used to have great love for music but little of respect. Now we have great respect but little love. This music grew out of the time with great love.

Our activities will break down the barrier that people sometimes felt towards classical music, gather new audiences for classical music, and capture them in a way classical music    cannot. The musicians will play core classical music repertoire at the international standard but present it in a way that is interesting and attractive to young people, therefore making it less formal and welcoming.

City of Angels, be ready for a brand new kind of music ensemble coming your way this winter!!

1.   R o a d s h o w   a n d    M a s t e r c l a s s

brings classical music to schools and universities. This activity will bring us directly to the young audiences.

2.   M u s i c   i s   E v e r y w h e r e

shorten distance between Classical music and people. Great music can be played not only in a concert hall but also anywhere in Bangkok.

3.   O u t r e a c h

Everybody has equal ability to appreciate classical music no matter they are black or white, poor or rich, short or tall.  We just want to share our love of music to disadvantaged and less fortunate people.

4. C o n c e r t s

The musicians will play core classical music repertoire but present it in a way that is interesting and attractive to young people, therefore making it less formal and welcoming.

4.1 E a s t  m e e t s  W e s t  

Hearing connections between music from different sides of the world.

4.2 C a r n i v a l  o f  t h e  A n i m a l s 

is one of the most popular classical music concert programs for everybody. And you will find that classical music is much more enjoyable than before.

4.3  C l a s s i c s  J e e b  B a n g k o k 

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